Source code for roocs_utils.utils.time_utils

import re

import numpy as np

[docs]def to_isoformat(tm): """ Returns an ISO 8601 string from a time object (of different types). :param tm: Time object :return: (str) ISO 8601 time string """ if type(tm) == np.datetime64: return str(tm).split(".")[0] else: return tm.isoformat()
[docs]class AnyCalendarDateTime: """ A class to represent a datetime that could be of any calendar. Has the ability to add and subtract a day from the input based on MAX_DAY, MIN_DAY, MAX_MONTH and MIN_MONTH """ MONTH_RANGE = range(1, 13) # 31 is the maximum number of days in any month in any of the calendars supported by cftime DAY_RANGE = range(1, 32) HOUR_RANGE = range(0, 24) MINUTE_RANGE = range(0, 60) SECOND_RANGE = range(0, 60) def __init__(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second): self.year = year self.month = month self.validate_input(self.month, "month", self.MONTH_RANGE) = day self.validate_input(, "day", self.DAY_RANGE) self.hour = hour self.validate_input(self.hour, "hour", self.HOUR_RANGE) self.minute = minute self.validate_input(self.minute, "minute", self.MINUTE_RANGE) self.second = second self.validate_input(self.second, "second", self.SECOND_RANGE)
[docs] def validate_input(self, input, name, range): if input not in range: raise ValueError( f"Invalid input {input} for {name}. Expected value between {range[0]} and {range[-1]}." )
def __repr__(self): return self.value @property def value(self): return ( f"{self.year}-{self.month:02d}-{}" f"T{self.hour:02d}:{self.minute:02d}:{self.second:02d}" )
[docs] def add_day(self): """ Add a day to the input datetime. """ += 1 if > self.DAY_RANGE[-1]: self.month += 1 = 1 if self.month > self.MONTH_RANGE[-1]: self.year += 1 self.month = self.MONTH_RANGE[0]
[docs] def sub_day(self, n=1): """ Subtract a day to the input datetime. """ -= 1 if < self.DAY_RANGE[0]: self.month -= 1 = self.DAY_RANGE[-1] if self.month < self.MONTH_RANGE[0]: self.year -= 1 self.month = self.MONTH_RANGE[-1]
[docs]def str_to_AnyCalendarDateTime(dt): """ Takes a string representing date/time and returns a DateTimeAnyTime object. String formats should start with Year and go through to Second, but you can miss out anything from month onwards. :param dt: string representing a date/time [string] :return: AnyCalendarDateTime object """ if len(dt) < 1: raise Exception( "Must provide at least the year as argument to create date time." ) # Start with most common pattern regex = re.compile(r"^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)[T ](\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$") match = regex.match(dt) if match: items = match.groups() else: # Try a more complex split and build of the time string defaults = [-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] components = re.split("[- T:]", dt) # Build a list of time components items = components + defaults[len(components) :] return AnyCalendarDateTime(*[int(i) for i in items])