Source code for roocs_utils.xarray_utils.xarray_utils

from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from cfunits import Units

known_coord_types = ["time", "level", "latitude", "longitude"]

# from dachar
[docs]def get_coord_by_attr(ds, attr, value): """ Returns a coordinate based on a known attribute of a coordinate. :param ds: Xarray Dataset or DataArray :param attr: (str) Name of attribute to look for. :param value: Expected value of attribute you are looking for. :return: Coordinate of xarray dataset if found. """ coords = ds.coords for coord in coords.values(): if coord.attrs.get(attr, None) == value: return coord return None
[docs]def is_latitude(coord): """ Determines if a coordinate is latitude. :param coord: coordinate of xarray dataset e.g. coord = ds.coords[coord_id] :return: (bool) True if the coordinate is latitude. """ if hasattr(coord, "units"): if Units(coord.units).islatitude: return True elif coord.attrs.get("standard_name", None) == "latitude": return True return False
[docs]def is_longitude(coord): """ Determines if a coordinate is longitude. :param coord: coordinate of xarray dataset e.g. coord = ds.coords[coord_id] :return: (bool) True if the coordinate is longitude. """ if hasattr(coord, "units"): if Units(coord.units).islongitude: return True elif coord.attrs.get("standard_name", None) == "longitude": return True return False
[docs]def is_level(coord): """ Determines if a coordinate is level. :param coord: coordinate of xarray dataset e.g. coord = ds.coords[coord_id] :return: (bool) True if the coordinate is level. """ if hasattr(coord, "units"): if Units(coord.units).ispressure: return True if hasattr(coord, "positive"): if coord.attrs.get("positive", None) == "up" or "down": return True if hasattr(coord, "axis"): if coord.attrs.get("axis", None) == "Z": return True return False
[docs]def is_time(coord): """ Determines if a coordinate is time. :param coord: coordinate of xarray dataset e.g. coord = ds.coords[coord_id] :return: (bool) True if the coordinate is time. """ if coord.values.size > 1: if hasattr(coord.values[0], "calendar"): if Units(calendar=coord.values[0].calendar).isreftime: return True elif hasattr(coord, "axis"): if coord.axis == "T": return True elif coord.attrs.get("standard_name", None) == "time": return True return False
[docs]def get_coord_type(coord): """ Gets the coordinate type. :param coord: coordinate of xarray dataset e.g. coord = ds.coords[coord_id] :return: The type of coordinate as a string. Either longitude, latitude, time, level or None """ if is_longitude(coord): return "longitude" elif is_latitude(coord): return "latitude" elif is_level(coord): return "level" elif is_time(coord): return "time" return None
[docs]def get_coord_by_type(ds, coord_type, ignore_aux_coords=True): """ Returns the xarray Dataset or DataArray coordinate of the specified type. :param ds: Xarray Dataset or DataArray :param coord_type: (str) Coordinate type to find. :param ignore_aux_coords: (bool) If True then coordinates that are not dimensions are ignored. Default is True. :return: Xarray Dataset coordinate (ds.coords[coord_id]) """ "Can take a Dataset or DataArray" if coord_type not in known_coord_types: raise Exception(f"Coordinate type not known: {coord_type}") for coord_id in ds.coords: # If ignore_aux_coords is True then ignore coords that are not dimensions if ignore_aux_coords and coord_id not in ds.dims: continue coord = ds.coords[coord_id] if get_coord_type(coord) == coord_type: return coord return None
[docs]def get_main_variable(ds, exclude_common_coords=True): """ Finds the main variable of an xarray Dataset :param ds: xarray Dataset :param exclude_common_coords: (bool) If True then common coordinates are excluded from the search for the main variable. common coordinates are time, level, latitude, longitude and bounds. Default is True. :return: (str) The main variable of the dataset e.g. 'tas' """ data_dims = [data.dims for var_id, data in ds.variables.items()] flat_dims = [dim for sublist in data_dims for dim in sublist] results = {} common_coords = ["bnd", "bound", "lat", "lon", "time", "level"] for var_id, data in ds.variables.items(): if var_id in flat_dims: continue if exclude_common_coords is True and any( coord in var_id for coord in common_coords ): continue else: results.update({var_id: len(ds[var_id].shape)}) result = max(results, key=results.get) if result is None: raise Exception("Could not determine main variable") else: return result